About Me


       An Intro

  This blog is basically a place for me to scribble and doodle my thoughts. The posts might sometimes be heavy, or trivial or even to the extent of plain nonsense! If you read this blog, and you enjoy it, I would be very glad and I say thank you. If not, too bad. ^__^

Background scene: Grand Canyon, Arizona, U.S.A

Mohd Al-Ameer Mohd Izwan Goh
20 yrs old
Enjoy reading in general, exploring physics, fiddling with lego models, sightseeing, photography, sleeping.

Currently in University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Sophomore '15 
Physics Major (a possible Astronomy Major too)

Universiti Tenaga Nasional

SBP Integrasi Gombak 
SPM 2009

SMK Tinggi Kajang
PMR 2007

SMK Bukit Mewah

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