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Aug 11, 2010

Sketch Techniques (Rose)

A rose typically has five petals, barbs, and seeds. It is one of the most popular florists’ flowers and it is also popular for use as a fragrance.

Most of us are familiar with red roses, but roses can be found in a variety of colors such as green, orange, pink, white or yellow. Some red roses are so dark -- they look black!

To draw a rose, examine the rose illustration before proceeding to step 1.
Learn how to draw this rose.

In this section, we'll show you how to draw the above rose. You can draw this flower freehand while looking at your computer monitor or print out this page to get a closer look at each step.

Follow the red lines in each illustration to learn exactly what to draw in that step. The lines drawn in previous steps are shown in gray. Here, we'll show you an illustration of each step and then give you a description of how to draw it.

To begin drawing a rose, draw the leaves and stems. Lightly sketch a circle at the top of each stem.

Step 1: For the stems, draw two slightly wavy diagonal lines that cross each other. Lightly sketch a circle at the top of each stem to show where the flower will be.

Sketch in arcs for the stems of the leaves, then draw leaves using curved lines.

When drawing a rose, add the petals.

Step 2: Inside the circles, lightly sketch in petals. Use wavy lines to show the way the petals overlap and curve around each other.

Show that some of the petals fold over by drawing a second curve near the top of the petal. Finish each stem by drawing a second line.

When drawing a rose, outline the leaves with jagged edges. All along each flower’s stem, add small curving thorns.

Step 3: Make the leaves more realistic by outlining them with jagged lines. Draw a curved line through the center of each leaf to show the vein.

Add a second line to each leaf stem. All along each flower’s stem, add small curving thorns.

When drawing a rose, add veins to the leaves.

Step 4: Finish the petals by adding more lines to connect the lines you already drew. Make the edges of the petals more irregular, changing the outline to include small points and curves.

Add more veins to each leaf by drawing gently curving lines from the center vein to the edge.

To finish drawing a rose, shade the petals, leaves, and stems.

Step 5: Draw shading in the flowers’ petals where the petals curve outward. To shade those areas, draw a series of parallel curving lines. Vary the lengths of the lines.

Shade the leaves by drawing short parallel lines next to each vein. Shade one side of each stem with very short lines.

Taken from TLC.HowStuffWorks

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