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May 13, 2010

The falling(failing) capitalism?

About a week ago, I'd watched the documentary-movie Capitalism: A Love Story produced by a very bold director(in my opinion, that is), Michael Moore. Should I tell you what it is about? I doubt you want to hear it... Better watch it yourself .. I'm not much of a story-teller anyway. Let me be brief. By definition, which was taken from Wikipedia, capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned; supply, demand and price are mostly set by market force rather than economic planning; and profit is distributed to owners who invest in business.
So it seems, literally, capitalism is not bad at all, right? It gives people freedom to make their own money, to fully utilise whatever chances that may come with the ideology. It makes more people rich, so on and so forth.

Or is it?

One may dispute this, but like h**l I care. The conventional wisdom that people think "Oh hey, capitalism really makes the world a heaven on earth" is rather, well, quite deceiving. I've recently(no, no recent actually. More like always.) observed the people, the common people who minds are always been kept in pure delusion. Let me give you an example to understand it a little bit clear. I bet that you may have seen tv shows, reality shows, about the world of riches and glamourous. This phenomenon is greatly magnified by the existence of Hollywood in USA. And those who are involved in business markets, Wall Street and so on. Most common people are deeply awed by the glamourous, the pampered lives of they living in. So people believe in that, "One day, I'll be like them if only I work harder and harder and harder." Well, this is a delusion, for most part of it, yes. They can be like them, if, and only if, they do it in the right way.
Sadly, the truth is, most people do not end up like they wanted to. They just stay on the rat race course and never really succeed. They keep on living in debts, desire, sorrow, stress n others. They have become robots, who serve their lives to the kings and queens of capitalism. The disparity between riches and poor ones is still obvious in many countries. Based on the 2007 Human Development Report(HDR), United Nations Development Programme, more than 80 percent of the world's population lives in countries where income differentials are widening. It really looks like the riches are getting richer, the poor people are getting poorer. The question is, how on earth that the richest 20 percent out from the world population accounts for three quarters of world income?

To be continued in the next post.


anjang said...

stunted head beyond the grid huh??
nice article btw.. n the same circulating quest i've been thinking all this while manifests the oooohhss and aaahhhssss upon you..
guess that watching the movie will make it clear 4 me...

anyway, where can i see that muvi?? link??

ameergoh said...

nahhh...i don't know where to download the movie... i'd watched it thru DVD

hanis jey said...


Dian said...

kenapa ko tak join debate dulu eh? hahaha. i am freaking loving ur blog, hehe, do post more on this kind of issues,

sebab otak aku dh karat, HAHAHA

ameergoh said...

owh...hehe...malas ah nk berdebat..aku tak suke debat2..suka bincang2...hehe :p